Open DC Hub

Open DC hub is a Unix/Linux version of the hub software for the Direct Connect network. Direct Connect is a file sharing network made up by hubs, to which clients can connect. Once connected to a hub, the user can search for files on the hub or the network, or browse files of other users connected to the hub.
Open DC Hub supports all the main features of the Direct Connect protocol. Some examples are:
  • Searching for files
  • Connecting to users, both in active and passive mode
  • Messaging in open chat
  • Private messaging
  • Registering users
  • Kicking users (for OP:s)
  • Banning users (for Admins)
  • Uploading hub address and description to public hub list
  • Hublinking, which makes it possible to search on other hubs connected to the network
  • Administration of the hub from chat
  • Scripting (In Perl)

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